
  • Country: Moldova
  • Manufacturer: SP Laboratory
  • Packaging: bottle 10 ml
  • Active ingredient: Boldenone Undecylenate
  • Concentration: 200 mg/ml
  • Price for: vial
  • Current availability: many
  • Country: Moldova
  • Manufacturer: SP Laboratory
  • Packaging: bottle 10 ml
  • Active ingredient: Boldenone Undecylenate
  • Concentration: 200 mg/ml
  • Price for: vial
  • Current availability: many
  • Country: Moldova
  • Manufacturer: SP Laboratory
  • Packaging: bottle 10 ml
  • Active ingredient: Boldenone Undecylenate
  • Concentration: 200 mg/ml
  • Price for: vial
  • Current availability: many


Buy Equipoise (Boldenone) SP Labs for bodybuilding applications

Creating boldenone, scientists were tasked with increasing the duration of exposure to methane on the human body. However, as a result of research and development, a completely different substance was found – a new steroid., Which has significant differences in properties from methandienone, despite the fact that they still have structural similarities. We offer to buy Equipoise in our online store, the price of which is affordable for every athlete who wants to take a full-fledged course.

Mechanism of action

With its molecular structure, Boldenone is somewhat similar to the male hormone. But, only one change contributed to a decrease in the androgenic activity of the drug. Based on practical experience, we can be sure that, compared with testosterone esters, the result from boldenone will not be so pronounced. However. This will not affect the mass gain, which will be much higher. Equipoise sp laboratories are reasonably priced for many bodybuilders who are trying to improve their bodies in every way.The steroid profile of this drug is 50% androgenic and 100% anabolic. The estrogenic activity of the drug is quite low. The elimination half-life from the body is 14 days. The drug does not have a detrimental effect on the liver, so it is in great demand among athletes. Athletes who periodically undergo a doping test should keep in mind that the elimination period of the drug is 4-5 months.Initially, the steroid was used only for use in veterinary medicine. Many athletes give him their preference, because he gives a good increase in muscle mass.

The effectiveness of Boldenone

Athletes, taking this drug, should clearly follow the dosages and the regimen prescribed by the specialist. Such an algorithm of actions will necessarily lead to:

  • Rapid set of high-quality muscles,
  • increased appetite,
  • Increasing the indicators of physical training of athletes,
  • Improving the process of transporting oxygen to muscle tissue cells.

Application of EQUIPOISE and dosage

The dosage recommended by experts should not go beyond 1 time per week. Thus, it will be possible to achieve maximum efficiency from the course and maintain a normal hormonal balance. The drug is available for use by women. But, if men can use 400-600 mg, then women – no more than 50-15 mg per week. The duration of the course is 8-10 weeks.The drug can also be used for complex use with other steroids such as Trenbolone or Enanthate. Basically, the use of additional funds helps to increase the efficiency of muscle recruitment. After such courses, it is necessary to conduct PCT.

Side effects

Thanks to the double bond between the 1st and 2nd carbon atom, it is possible to achieve many of the properties of Equipoise. First of all, it helps to prevent the process of aromatization, namely the transformation of the drug into estrogens. The conversion rate of Boldenone is several times lower. Than testosterone. This contributes to a low chance of side effects that are directly related to estrogens.Therefore, to meet such side effects as gynecomastia, swelling and hypertension is practically minimized.Due to the low androgenic activity, the drug is available for women. Virilization is extremely rare. Boldenone is rightfully considered one of the safest drugs. Which can be used by both male and female athletes.Also, the drug practically does not cause the manifestation of such androgenic side reactions as baldness, acne, prostate enlargement, etc., and also suppresses the secretion of testosterone in the body to a lesser extent.

Where to buy Equipoise SP cheap Ukraine?

It is possible to buy Equipoise in Kyiv and any other city in our online store, where the price is consistent with the quality of the products. Only original products from world-famous manufacturers of sports pharmacology are on sale.


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