
  • Country: Moldova
  • Manufacturer: SP Laboratory
  • Packing: 100 tablets
  • Active ingredient: Clenbuterol
  • Concentration: 40 mcg/tab
  • Price for: 100 tablets
  • Current availability: 14 pcs.
  • Country: Moldova
  • Manufacturer: SP Laboratory
  • Packing: 100 tablets
  • Active ingredient: Clenbuterol
  • Concentration: 40 mcg/tab
  • Price for: 100 tablets
  • Current availability: 14 pcs.
  • Country: Moldova
  • Manufacturer: SP Laboratory
  • Packing: 100 tablets
  • Active ingredient: Clenbuterol
  • Concentration: 40 mcg/tab
  • Price for: 100 tablets
  • Current availability: 14 pcs.


Buy SP Clenbuterol – the best fat burner on the sports pharmacology market

Among the range of drugs presented on the market of sports pharmacology, which are used to burn subcutaneous fat deposits, it is Clenbuterol that occupies a leading position and is very popular with athletes. The tool is suitable for both experienced professional athletes and beginners in bodybuilding. You can buy Clenbuterol Ukraine only in tablets in our online store. To achieve the highest possible results, it is necessary to combine the drug with a balanced diet and constant physical activity.

Mechanism of action and effectiveness

Clenbuterol is similar to anabolic steroids in its principle of operation, although it is not included in their group. It effectively affects fatty tissues, reducing their content, making muscles more pronounced and embossed. The main principle of the action of the active substance is that after entering the adipose tissue and binding to the receptors, a series of reactions occur, as a result of which enzymes are activated, which in turn mobilize fatty acids. Directly, under the influence of the drug, the production of adrenaline increases, under the influence of which fats are burned.
The tool is highly effective and has a low risk of side effects. Allows you to quickly burn the existing excess fat, prevents fluid retention in the body, increases strength and endurance, creates a beautiful relief.In addition, the drug is famous for its anti-catabolic effect, thanks to which it is possible to maintain a stable muscle mass on the drying course.

Taking the drug also contributes to:

  • reduction of subcutaneous fat
  • appetite suppression
  • raising temperatures to burn calories at a higher rate
  • removing water from muscle tissue
  • protection of muscles from destruction during weight loss

Application and dosage

Clenbuterol from the Balkans is actively used by athletes and representatives of other strength disciplines as a drug for burning fat. It is perfectly combined with thyroxine and ketotifen to accelerate the effect. Most often used in combination with triiodothyronine.
It is necessary to adhere to the prescribed dosage, since an excess of the active substance leads to loss of muscle mass.

  • The maximum concentration of the drug in the blood is observed 8 hours after ingestion.
  • Available in tablets.
  • It is taken orally.
  • The duration of use should not exceed 6 weeks.
  • It is recommended to start the course with a minimum dosage of 20 mcg, with the next increase to 40 mcg per day.
  • Every day it is necessary to increase the dose, increasing it to the mark prescribed by the doctor.
  • For men, the mark is 120 mcg, for women – no more than 40.
  • It is necessary to finish the course, gradually reducing the dosage.

Side effects

The most common adverse reactions are:

  • Disorders of the heart in the form of arrhythmias
  • Hypertrophy of the ventricles of the heart
  • Increased sweating
  • Insomnia, headaches, migraines
  • convulsions
  • Tremor and trembling in the body
  • Feeling of excitement
  • Indigestion and nausea

Most of the "side effects" occur only at the initial pores of the drug.Many of them are quickly stopped by antihistamines. With the help of Ketotifen, you can improve the process of falling asleep and lower the heart rate.


Clenbuterol is contraindicated in combination with alcoholic beverages. Alcohol increases the workload on the heart. You can not use the tool in the presence of a history of diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

Where to buy a fat burner?

You can buy Clenbuterol inexpensively in the Him Promo Store online store, for those who want to lose weight quickly, while not destroying muscle tissue. We carry out fast delivery to any region of Ukraine and guarantee the high quality of the products offered.


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