
  • Country: Moldova
  • Manufacturer: Balkan Pharm
  • Packing: 10 ampoules
  • Active ingredient: Methenolone Enanthate
  • Concentration: 100 mg/ml
  • Price for: packaging
  • Current availability: 22 pcs.
  • Country: Moldova
  • Manufacturer: Balkan Pharm
  • Packing: 10 ampoules
  • Active ingredient: Methenolone Enanthate
  • Concentration: 100 mg/ml
  • Price for: packaging
  • Current availability: 22 pcs.
  • Country: Moldova
  • Manufacturer: Balkan Pharm
  • Packing: 10 ampoules
  • Active ingredient: Methenolone Enanthate
  • Concentration: 100 mg/ml
  • Price for: packaging
  • Current availability: 22 pcs.


Description of Primobol 100 mg Balkan bodybuilders drug

Primobol (Methenolone Enanthate) is a drug that was recently introduced to the market of sports pharmacology, but quickly gained its distribution and popularity among athletes. The drug makes it possible to achieve high results from taking the course with a minimal rollback phenomenon. Primobol has a high androgenic and anabolic activity, due to which it has a good result. Many athletes want to buy Primobol 100 mg because it has a short half-life, which means it can be used in preparation for sports competitions.

Course effectiveness

Proper use of the drug will allow athletes to achieve the desired results in their disciplines, namely:

  • Significant gain in muscle mass
  • Increasing the elasticity of the muscles,
  • Getting rid of excess fat
  • Improving the indicators of general physical fitness.

Primobol Balkan is a drug with a slight anabolic effect. It is produced in the form of injections and is an ether with a prolonged effect at the level of cellular structures. Ideal for both men and women, as it has no pronounced adverse reactions.

Impact on the body of athletes

Primobol Balkan has a fairly long active period, which is approximately 2 weeks. The anabolic effect is manifested in a mild degree, in connection with this, the drug is very rarely used in the course for weight gain. Its main purpose is a course for maintaining weight indicators or for drying.
Some bodybuilders and other athletes have found the use of this drug to build muscle tissue, lasting a course of 10 weeks. Muscles, although they do not grow quickly, but the result will be more effective and lasting. Primobol allows you to keep the mass acquired on the course longer, the muscles will be dry and embossed.

Adverse reactions

Primobol Ukraine is worth buying because it does not have undesirable symptoms, in particular:

  • Manifestations of aromatization – gynecomastia, the deposition of fat on the female type.
  • No rollback after course completion.
  • Does not lead to masculinization in the fair sex.
  • Does not retain water, which leads to swelling.

What doses to use for application?

The course for drying, relief and preservation of muscle tissue can last 6-8 weeks. Safe for the body and optimal for use by athletes, the dosage of the drug is 400 mg per week.
The injection is made once in the region of the gluteal muscle. Athletes, swimmers, power wrestlers can use a dosage of 200 mg, which will be enough to get the desired effect.
If you want to take Primobol for a longer period, even though it is safe and mild, PCT with Clomid is required to bring your hormones back to normal.
If the athlete's goal is to gain high-quality mass, then Primobol can be combined with Nandrolone, Sustanon, Danabol. For drying – in combination with Winstrol Stanozolol.


Primobol is forbidden to buy for people suffering from chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys. Subject to the correct dosages and cycle duration, the agent does not adversely affect the functioning of internal organs.

Where to buy Primobol 100mg Balkan?

Primobol from the Balkans is a harmless remedy that can be advised to beginner bodybuilders who want to gradually increase high-quality muscle mass and create a beautiful relief. Professionals with experience in sports use it to save weight. You can buy this drug on our website, where you can choose from a wide range of pharmaceutical products at the best prices with delivery to any city in Ukraine.


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