
  • Country: Moldova
  • Manufacturer: Balkan Pharm
  • Packing: 20 tablets
  • Active ingredient: Tadalafil
  • Concentration: 20 mg/tab
  • Price for: blister
  • Current availability: 21 pcs.
  • Country: Moldova
  • Manufacturer: Balkan Pharm
  • Packing: 20 tablets
  • Active ingredient: Tadalafil
  • Concentration: 20 mg/tab
  • Price for: blister
  • Current availability: 21 pcs.
  • Country: Moldova
  • Manufacturer: Balkan Pharm
  • Packing: 20 tablets
  • Active ingredient: Tadalafil
  • Concentration: 20 mg/tab
  • Price for: blister
  • Current availability: 21 pcs.


Buy Esculap (ESCULAP) to increase potency

Aesculapius is the trade name for the active substance tadalafil. This is a non-steroidal drug that is used to increase potency and normalize the sexual life of men. You can buy Aesculap Balkan Pharm at an affordable price with a high quality guarantee in the online store of sports pharmacology Him Promo Store.

The mechanism of action of the drug

The composition of the product includes an active synthetic substance – tadalafil. It does not have a psychotropic or toxic effect on the body, and also does not cause dependence during course use. According to the medical classification, Aesculapius is PDE5 with cyclic guanosine monophosphate. When it enters the human body, nitrogen is released, which contributes to the inhibition of phosphodiestrase and an increase in cGMP in the penis. As a result, smooth muscles relax, blood flow to the penis increases. The onset of an erection does not occur mechanically, but naturally. Tadalafil does not have anabolic, androgenic or estrogenic effects, so it works well in combination with other drugs. To date, you can buy Aesculapius Kyiv in many stores and on our website in particular.

How to take and dosage

The price of Tadalafil in the online store is acceptable, which means that there will be no problems with the purchase of these products. Aesculapius is best taken 15-20 minutes before the intended sexual contact. The maximum concentration of the active substance in the blood will be observed 2 hours after application.If a man has sex stably several times a week, it is recommended to use the drug every day at 10 mg at the same time. With individual sensitivity, the dosage can be reduced by half to 5 mg. For those who have sex less than 2 times a week, the dose will be 20 mg immediately 20 minutes before the start of sexual contact.

Aesculap tablets can be drunk regardless of the meal, as well as split one dose into several doses.

Positive Effects

Tadalafil reviews indicate that after taking the drug, the representatives of the stronger sex observe the following effects:

  • increase in libido,
  • Increased interest in women
  • Normal and persistent erection,
  • Increasing the duration of sex
  • Increased sensitivity of the penis,
  • Raising self-esteem by satisfying your partner.

Side effects and contraindications

Before you buy Esculap Balkans, you should definitely get a consultation from a urologist and be examined, as well as study Tadalafil well the instructions that come with the drug. This will reduce the risk of adverse reactions associated with individual intolerance to the active substance and non-compliance with the indicated dosages.
Since Aesculapius is a purely male remedy, it is not recommended for use by women, as well as by persons who have not reached puberty.

Among the frequently encountered "side effects" happen:

  • tachycardia,
  • syncope,
  • migraine,
  • vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain,
  • heartburn,
  • jumps in blood pressure, in particular, its increase,
  • allergic reactions.

If you observe at least one unpleasant symptom in yourself, you must immediately stop using Aesculapius.As a rule, after cancellation or dose reduction, they no longer appear.

Why is it worth buying Aesculapius Ukraine from us?

Since the drug activates the natural processes in the body, while not having a negative impact, men can, without harming their health, solve the problems of erectile dysfunction and enjoy their sexual life to the fullest. You can buy Tadalafil Ukraine from us at the best price for personal use.


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