
  • Country: Moldova
  • Manufacturer: Balkan Pharm
  • Packing: 20 tablets
  • Active ingredient: Oxymetholone
  • Concentration: 50 mg/tab
  • Price for: blister
  • Current availability: many
  • Country: Moldova
  • Manufacturer: Balkan Pharm
  • Packing: 20 tablets
  • Active ingredient: Oxymetholone
  • Concentration: 50 mg/tab
  • Price for: blister
  • Current availability: many
  • Country: Moldova
  • Manufacturer: Balkan Pharm
  • Packing: 20 tablets
  • Active ingredient: Oxymetholone
  • Concentration: 50 mg/tab
  • Price for: blister
  • Current availability: many


Buy Anapolon – strong oral steroid

Anapolon Balkan is a powerful synthetic steroid drug that exists on the pharmacological market today. Initially, the active substance of the drug, oxymetalone, was invented back in the 1960s and had an exclusively medical purpose. The tool has shown itself to be excellent in the treatment of osteoporosis and anemia, it has shown good efficacy in stimulating muscle growth. The demand for the drug in medicine has passed since other remedies were created for the cure. It was then that Anapolon began to be used in sports disciplines.

Efficacy and mechanism of action

Anadrol is considered the most powerful and effective oral steroid with a pronounced androgenic and anabolic effect. In sports, it is famous as a drug to increase physical strength and performance, in a short period of time capable of maximizing the increase in muscle mass. For example, mass gain in 14 days can be about 5-7 kg.

There are such effects from the reception:

  • Increasing strength indicators
  • Increased muscle growth
  • Reducing joint pain and improving joint mobility
  • Stimulation of the secretion of synovial fluid
  • Fluid retention in the body
  • Globulin Minimization

The steroid has a high anabolic and androgenic index. The drug does not convert to estrogen. However, it itself has an estrogenic effect. Since the drug is taken orally, it has a toxic effect on the liver.

Anapolon promotes enhanced pumping.An increase in blood volume, when pumping muscles, leads to maximum blood flow to the muscle fibers, literally tearing them apart.

Application and dosage

Taking this drug is recommended only for experienced athletes who have no contraindications and have reached the age of majority. Before you start using, it is imperative to consult with specialists and be examined. Each athlete is assigned an individual dosage, which is selected according to the goals and experience of taking sports pharmacology drugs and the health of the athlete. The daily rate should not exceed 100 mg of the active substance, with a course duration of 4-6 weeks.
At the end of the course, it is necessary to conduct a PCT to restore the level of endogenous testosterone lasting 3-4 weeks. Also, the daily routine and proper nutrition will help reduce the possibility of side effects.
The complex use of the steroid with such drugs as Primobolan, Testosterone, Boldenone and others is allowed.

Side effects

Despite the fact that the price of Anadrol is available on our website and makes it possible to complete the full course of the drug, it is important to remember the adverse reactions that occur, among which are the following:

  • headache
  • dyspeptic disorders of the gastrointestinal tract
  • dizziness
  • loss of appetite
  • outbursts of aggression

Oxymethalon is suitable for both beginners in sports for a quick start, and professionals. It is not recommended for older athletes, as they are more susceptible to adverse reactions in the form of liver damage and prostate cancer.

It is forbidden to take women due to strong virilization !!!

Where to buy Anapolon in Ukraine inexpensively?

There is a good opportunity to buy Anapolon in our online store, where buyers will find not only a good price for pharmaceutical products, but also high quality and fast delivery. We care about our customers!


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